23 February, 2025

A statement was released to mark the anniversary


Contemporary political history teaches us the main mutations which affect the peoples come from the willingness and resolution to find a way to development and prosperity.

The long-lasting progress of our country’s political forces has often been marked by crucial stages sometimes favorable, sometimes heartbreaking for these forces. Our country’s political forces or political coalitions have flourished and grown through different attempts to cooperate and merge for the quest and experience of power. On the contrary, this steady process has still undergone blockades and setbacks which have kept annihilating the efforts made by each of us to establish and put in place a genuine cohesive political alliance which is indispensable for this country’s development.

By his own genius, the beninese people invented in February 1990 the Conference of the Nation’s Active Forces whose outcome was overwhelmingly welcomed.

The new era of multiparty system which was inaugurated thanks to the Conference marked the rise of new political forces in the country. These forces have taken for nearly twenty (20) years part into consolidation of our country’s democratization. In this process, they sometimes fought each other, sometimes came together to preserve the advancement of democracy.

The rise of the so-called regime of change has raised tremendous and legitimate hope among ordinary citizens. Unfortunately, this hope has faded due to new political practices and the populist way of governing which cause enormous concerns regarding governance at all levels.

In fact, the numerous conflicts in the relationship between institutions, rampant ill governance, but also and mainly the real threats on our democracy, led our political parties, one (01) year ago, to unit in the same crucible for reflections, analysis and actions in order to safeguard the National Conference’s achievements.

So since March 12, 2008 the RB, the PSD, the MADEP and the PRD, after the G13, joined by the Force Clé Alliance have instituted a dynamic and coherent framework to give our brethren reasons for hoping. It was at the memorable informative meeting which took place on March 12, 2008 at the Palais des Sports de Kouhounou.

This important gathering was met with a particular enthusiasm on the eve of the April 2008 local and municipal elections.

Many observers had questioned our ability to make enduring this new engagement, arguing that our past bitter rivalries are still vivid.

The achievement of the engagement for unity:

Among other achievements since March 12, 2008 made by the G4, G13 and Force Clé, we can mention:

· The victory in the April 2008 local, communal and municipal elections;
· The regular high level meeting of party leaders;
· The reinforcement of the political partnership which resulted in common standings on issues regarding national interests;
· The consultation among the Coalition’s parliamentarians on issue regarding the National Assembly;
· The Seminar of Common Political Return in Abomey and Bohicon on 28 and 29 November 2008;
· The establishment of the Youth National Coordination of the Alliance named Youth United for the Nation on Saturday, February 28, 2009 in Cotonou.

The perspectives for the engagement for unity:

Since March 12, 2008 and on different occasions, the political forces united in the G4, the G13 and Force Clé have demonstrated that this Alliance will go on getting strengthened.

However, the past evil division forces have been trying to resurface, using the obscure means which are the old hatred and resentments. These attempts are unfortunately made possible by some among us which give into the Government’s bribery and its deceitful seductions.

Nevertheless, we can expect that these mistakes will not be a blockade to the progress towards unity and the realization of new alternative which can raise hopes. It is why on this day, the anniversary of the G4 establishment, the Youth Untied for the Nation would like to urge the different leaders to be firm and to work without hesitations for the reinforcement of the engagement for unity.

We are now on a road where there is no possible return. Those who will try to do so will only be sanctioned by the youth and the people. Therefore we have no right for mistakes. History has shown the political landscape of our country does not offer any perspective for solitary victory.

For this, the Youth United for the Nation recommend that the comparative advantage of political Alliance is not wasted.

Long live Democracy!

Long live the G4, G13 and the Force Key!

Long live Benin!

May God guard us!

Auteur de l'article :

Alfred Cossi CHODATON
alf2chod@gmail.com A graduate in documentary information science and technology, he is a freelance writer and analyst.

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