23 February, 2025

There have been reports in the media about a crisis meeting, which took place at the Party headquarters in Cotonou and gathered the members of Executive Board on late Wednesday, May 13, 2009 from 7 P.M. to 1 A.M. local time.

Two years ahead of next presidential elections due to take place in March 2011, on the political scene, the position of Renaissance du Bénin, whose stand might condition the outcome of this election, is still unclear.

The meeting was reported to be so tense and the differences of views were openly voiced. For the hardliners, the leader of BR group in National Assembly has been misleading the Party. Many BR activists share this view and see the successive votes of the Party in favor of the presidential camp in the National Assembly as a grave mistake on the part of Rosine Soglo, the Party Chairwoman.

The strongest adversary of Mrs. Soglo in RB right now is Léhady Soglo who happens to be her son. While Léhady Soglo and his father, the former Head of State, Nicéphore Soglo think, BR has nothing to gain in collaborating with Boni Yayi’s Government and that it should remain part of the opposition coalition of G4, G13, and Force Clé, Rosine is said not to trust the other party leaders involved in this Alliance.

The newspapers have also reported that before this BR Executive Board meeting, there was a face-to-face encounter late in the evening on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 between the Head of State, Boni Yayi and Renaissance of Benin Chairwoman, Rosine Soglo. This visit of Boni Yayi to Mrs. Soglo has been seen as an occasion for the Head of State to thank her for her support to the presidential camp in National Assembly.

The RB Executive Board meeting has been convened after Benin National Assembly finally passed on Monday, May 04, 2009, the LEPI (Voters Registry Computerization Act in French, Liste Electorale Permanente Informatisée) act opening the way for its implementation.

The passing of this draft law in National Assembly was made possible thanks to RB. The Party has sided with the ruling FCBE to vote in favor of the bill while the opposition coalition of G4, G13 and Force Clé to which belongs RB has agreed to vote against it.

Since the formation of the G4 Alliance following the March 2008 joined declaration and during the Seminar of Common Return held in October 2008, where the opposition coalition has expressed its disapproval about the way Boni Yayi has been administering public affairs, RB has never been constant in its standing.

Therefore, many analysts in media still question the ability of opposition coalition to achieve its aim that is to oust Boni Yayi in the upcoming presidential race due to take place in March 2011.

Auteur de l'article :

Alfred Cossi CHODATON
alf2chod@gmail.com A graduate in documentary information science and technology, he is a freelance writer and analyst.

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